first background!

Monday 1 February 2016

My Year 8 Experience- Jay Part 1

No, I'm not in year 8. In fact I'm currently in year 10 but these experiences still haunt me to this day.
Not that they were bad or paranormal or anything. Just that they are full of regret and things that I wish I could just do again just one more time so that I could make them right.
So I'm gonna start a series about things that happened in year 8. These stories are all completely true and are full of life lessons, love, hatred and all that juicy stuff so if you want to keep reading please do and hopefully every week I will tell another story.

* All names have been changed for safety reasons (and so that they can't ID themselves if they accidentally come across this story)

This is a story of love. Something I rarely had. Yea I dated quite a few people that year but there was only one guy I totally loved. Lets call this guy Jay.
So me and Jay were going out on and off for about 4 months. It was a really stupid relationship there would be times where he would ask me out and then by the next day he would break up with me.

This story is really confusing so I'm gonna break it down into 3 Parts:
Part 1- Richard's Birthday (the start of it all)
Part 2- Alex (I don't know why I did it)
Part 3- the kiss (jay)

So lets start with Part 1.
So it's Richard's birthday and some pretty weird situations happen at this party bare in mind that it will be Jay's birthday in 6 days which will be relevant information for Part 2.
Anyway the first thing that happend was me and Jay were on this like swing type thing and we were about to start a conversation which could have been really awkward but then Alex decided to sit on the bench and talk to me.
I was like WTF because he doesn't really talk to me all that much so I was kind of suspicious and Jay looked kinda annoyed but I was relieved because we didn't have to have a super awkward conversation ( I don't even know how we got on that swing in the first place)

But a weird thing that happened between me and Alex was that he sat really close to me and I kinda moved away abit and then he was like 'Do you really hate me that much' and I was like 'I don't hate you' so then he moved closer and it kinda freaked me, out by this time Jay had already left the swing thing. So then I got off it and went to sit down. Alex and I didn't really talk for the rest of the party.

Then Nathan came to the party fashionably late which upset his girlfriend at the time Jenna.
So Jenna didn't talk to him for most of the party but I did. Our friendship is a whole other story that I'm happy to share in another blogpost.

By the end of the party we settled down by the TV. By we I mean Nathan, Alex, Jay, Richard, Jenna.
Me and Jay sat together and it was kinda awkward since we weren't going out.
So this wasn't much of a story but what happened the next day will probably surprise you and it definitely surprised me and that story is full of jealousy it was the first time Jay was jealous.

So stay tuned for Part 2.

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