first background!

Sunday 14 February 2016

My Year 8 Experience- Jay Part 2

So if you haven't read Jay Part 1 then please do otherwise you may get confused with what happened next.
So the next day I walked into school as usual got a coffee put my bag in my home room and headed to the play ground to find my friends and then I saw Alex and Jay sitting on a bench and I thought it was so weird because they don't usually sit together or talk to each other.

So I just ignored them and went to find my friends. They were like 'Jay wants to see you' and I was like 'okay.'So then we went to the bench where Alex and Jay were and Alex gave me a rose and asked me out. I was like WTF because I really didn't see this coming. So I was freaking out so I just walked off with my friends and forgot about it ( kinda a big mistake). Then during home room Alex looked really upset, so I decided to talk to him, and just as I was about to talk to him Jay gave me a weird pep talk. He said that I shouldn't be with Alex and that I should just get with him. That is when I realised how jealous he was. For some stupid reason I decided to use this situation to my advantage AKA make him more jealous (so stupid).

So I told Alex that I would be his girlfriend (terrible decision). When I did Jay looked so upset but I thought that he actually deserved it because when we were together he was a rubbish boyfriend.
Then I ended up getting something in my eye and going to the infirmary. He followed me to the infirmary and stayed with me the whole time (which I thought was kind of sweet).

The next day he tried to kiss me in front of my dad; this was so wrong because:

1) We have only been dating for two days  (and I don't really kiss on the second day)
2) Please not in front of my dad

After that I wanted to end it but I thought I should still give him a chance.
So in English class I was supposed to be doing a presentation, which is usually fine because I don't mind speaking in front of people. But just before I was supposed to go up and speak, the palms of my hands went sweaty and I had this sudden rush of guilt build up because I felt like I really didn't want to be with him and that I should break up right now! Throughout my presentation I started to shake, stutter and my self esteem level went to 0.

So the next class was social studies and I wrote on a piece of paper 'Alex I want to break up with you' and I gave it to Alex. Then I wrote another note saying 'Jay I broke up with Alex'
As Jay read the note a smile spread across his face. His facial expression was so priceless, I still remember it today. Then I sent another note to him and asked 'What do u want 4 ur bday'
He seriously, I'm not even making this up (remember I only tell the truth on my blog) replied 'U'
I smiled.

It was time for double french (the worst subject ever). For the whole of french class (I'm not even kidding) Alex cried for the full two hours directly behind me. All his friends kept saying 'give him another chance' and 'why did you break up with him'. I felt kinda bad but every time I felt bad I remembered Jays smile. Then I told Jay that if he wanted to be my boyfriend then he would have to be a good boyfriend and not to randomly break up with me. So he agreed, on the 8th of May (his birthday ) we became official.

I hope you enjoyed Jay Part 2. Please stay tuned for Part 3- the kiss - that should be coming soon! :)

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