first background!

Sunday 15 May 2016

15 Top Tips For Surviving Exams Week

There is one way to sum up exams week... awful
Here are some ways to make things less awful and hopefully you will be able to survive these dreaded exams... Good luck!

1. The number one most important thing is to not pull an all-nighter
this will prevent you from remembering things the next day and tire you out!

2. Get sleep 
If you have an exam later in the day take
short nap before revising, it will help loads trust me :)

3. Attend every single revision session that your teacher provides, and be sure to ask lots of questions at them

4. Organise a study group with a bunch of friends, so that you can test each other and learn from one another.

5. Create a study time table
  I find that this helps alot and keeps you very organised with revision

6. Use highlighters to colour code everything
especially if you are a visual learner, this will help you remember things

7. Use the 50-15 rule where u study for 15 mins then take a 50 min break... I'm just kidding study for 50 mins then take a 15 min break!

8. Eat a lot but make sure its healthy! You are eating for your brain after all.

9. Use to-do lists to stay organised

10. Revise your notes daily! Even if you don't have that exam that day still just go over your revision notes at least once.

11. Have specific goals to meet for each study session

12. Create rhymes or acronyms for information you have to memories

13. Reward yourself with social media if you met your goals by the end of each study session

14. Avoid coffee! The caffeine can really mess up information in your brain not letting you revise as clear as possible.

15. Relax! Listen to relaxing music during your study breaks or take a bath so that you stay relaxed during your study sessions!

I hope you all do well in your exams! Good Luck!!!
Bella xoxo

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